EE CH FI CH Birchbrook´s Sweet Toffee "Freya"
Sire: Ch Mambrinos Fair Play
Dam: Birchbrook´s My Kiss

Keltainen narttu/Yellow female
Synt./Date of birth: 10.3.2018
Lonkat/Hips: B/B
Kyynärpäät/Elbows: 0/0
Silmät/Eyes: Clear (Ecvo) 4.10.2019
prcd-PRA: Clear by parentage
EIC: -
CC, Nord-CC, BB, Hyvinkää Nord Show 27.9.2020, judge Kristiine Uspenski
Junior class 3 (14), Club show 17.8.2018, judge Prisca La Franca, kennel Intipama, Italy
NOU 1/Qualified on the field, 16.10.2023, Kouvola, judge Pasi Puttonen
Freya is owned by Maija Iso-Tomu